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Background of the Trust:

Khinvasara Family (Ghodegaonkar) Welfare Nidhi (hereinafter called "Khinvasara Trust") is located at "Aastha", Plot no 8, Madhukunj Hsg Society, Panchawati, Pashan Road, Pune -08. The Khinvasara Trust is constituted under public charitable trust wide registration no - "F-21722/Pune" and under Societies Registration Act, 1860 wide registration number 241/2007/Pune dated 12.02.07.

The board of the Khinvasara Trust constitutes seven members which include one chairman, secretary, treasurers, and three other members.

Income Tax Exemption:

The Trust has recently obtained an 80G certificate from the Income Tax department. This gives donors the opportunity to claim tax exemption as per rules of section
80G vide Order No: Pn/CIT-I/80G/255/2011-12/3542 dated 20.12.2011

Purpose of the Khinvasara Trust:

The Khinvasara Trust's main activities are as follows:

  1. Helping students by way of donations or scholarships in cash or kind after a thorough evaluation process
  2. Making help and assistance available to victims of natural calamities
  3. Striving to make quality medical treatment available to the rural and urban poor
  4. Reaching out to the weaker section of the community, like widows and the aged and providing assistance in various forms
  5. Boosting the cause of education by helping schools and educational institutions create adequate infrastructure
  6. Thus, the main purpose of the Trust is assistance to the society by way of donations or scholarships, in cash or kind, for education, health, environment and community service.

Membership categories:

a. Ajeevan Sabhasad (Life Member)
b. Sansthapak Sabhasad (Founder Member)
c. Sahayogi Sabhasad (Associate Member)

Managing Committee:

Dr. Anil Khinvasara
Shantilal Khinvasara
Nilesh Khinvasara
Sachin Khinvasara (CA)
Kantilal Khinvasara Suresh Khinvasara Vijay Khinvasara Rahul Khinvasara
Abhay Pokharna Anjali Lodha    

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www.khinvasaratrust.org - 2012 | All Right Reserved.
Panchavati, Pune-08
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